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My Data Science Journey

Since this is my 100th post on this blog, let me run you through my data science journey. I started my career as a T24 developer. Now, most of you won’t even know...

An Introduction to Modeling Mindsets

A mathematical model is a representative of a real-world phenomenon. We seek to understand the world and take action accordingly using models. This includes everything...

Feature Scaling in Applied Machine Learning

If Model Training is the science of Machine Learning, Feature Engineering is the art of it. Having said that, every work of art has some standard tips and tricks...

The discipline(s) of Machine Learning Engineering

Before we dive into the discipline of Machine Learning Engineering, let’s see the below diagram from Google’s seminal paper called Hidden Technical Debt in...

Introducing Machine Learning Infrastructure (on Azure)

Functional requirements of a Machine Learning Infrastructure We have been discussing Data Science, Machine Learning System Design and MLOps for a while in our articles....

Musings on Data Quality

Introduction For a successful Machine Learning or Data Science practice, the following elements are key: Business Case Quality Data Skilled Teams Technology Risk...

Explainable Machine Learning with Azure Machine Learning

In the previous two articles, we took a dive into Explainable Machine Learning. The first one dealt with LIME and SHAP for a supervised machine learning setting. The...

Machine Learning Interpretability for Isolation forest using SHAP

In our previous article, we covered Machine Learning interpretability with LIME and SHAP. We introduced the concept of global and local interpretability. Moreover, we...

An Introduction to Interpretable Machine Learning with LIME and SHAP

Introducing Interpretable Machine Learning and(or) Explainability Gone are the days when Machine Learning models were treated as black boxes. Therefore, as Machine...

Motivating Entity Resolution for Data Science

Why Entity Resolution? Data is the new oil. Thus, analytical models are the new combustion engines. A combustion engine functions efficiently with good fuel. Similarly,...