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Machine Learning with Azure Synapse SQL

Machine Learning is not only about building models but consuming them. ML Models are consumed in two ways: Batch Inferencing and Real-Time Inferencing. In Real-Time...

An Introduction to Azure Synapse SQL

Evolution of Azure Synapse SQL Azure Synapse was previously known as Azure SQL Datawarehouse. With the re-branding to Synapse, Microsoft added many more layers on top of...

Migrating from Azure Databricks to Azure Synapse Analytics

In the changing landscape of technology, new tools emerge. Azure Databricks has been a prominent option for end-to-end analytics in the Microsoft Azure stack. In 2019,...

Migrating from Azure Data Factory to Azure Synapse Integration

Did you think that it’s straightforward? I mean, did you think you can simply export the ARM template from Azure Data Factory and import it into Azure Synapse?...

A first look at Azure Synapse Analytics

Strongly recommended reading: Azure Synapse Analytics: Azure SQL Data Warehouse revamped In the aforementioned article, we gave an introduction to Azure Synapse...

Azure Synapse Analytics: Azure SQL Data Warehouse revamped

Prologue On 5th November 2019, I read an early morning announcement of Azure Synapse Analytics. It was formerly known as Azure SQL Data warehouse. This announcement took...