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My Data Science Journey

Since this is my 100th post on this blog, let me run you through my data science journey. I started my career as a T24 developer. Now, most of you won’t even know...

Test in Production with Azure ML Managed Online Endpoints

Why test in production? A Machine Learning lifecycle starts with experiments, moves on to building training pipelines and finally ends with deployment. So, are you done...

Batch Inferencing in Azure ML using Managed Online Endpoints

Batch Inferencing with Azure ML is a complex affair. It entails creating a compute cluster, creating a parallel run step and running the batch inferencing pipeline. With...

Secure Azure ML Managed Online Endpoints with Network Isolation

In one of our previous articles, we introduced Managed Online Endpoints in Azure Machine Learning. We deployed that endpoint on a public Azure Machine Learning. However,...

Model Registration : Should it happen in training or deployment phase?

MLOps is a new, exciting field. With excitement comes uncertainty and with uncertainty, debates emerge. And healthy debates are good for growing the knowledge base of a...

Managed Online Endpoints in Azure Machine Learning

Before we introduce Managed Online Endpoints in Azure Machine Learning, let’s revisit deployment in Azure Machine Learning. For real-time model deployment in Azure...

Musings on Data Quality

Introduction For a successful Machine Learning or Data Science practice, the following elements are key: Business Case Quality Data Skilled Teams Technology Risk...

Data Profiling options in Azure

The first step of Data Science, after Data Collection, is Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA). However, the first step within EDA is getting a high-level overview of how the...

Experiments in Azure Machine Learning

Introduction to Experiments Continuous Experimentation is key to MLOps. Hence, tracking each iteration, artefact of an experiment is a key to success in Data Science....

Machine Learning with Azure Synapse SQL

Machine Learning is not only about building models but consuming them. ML Models are consumed in two ways: Batch Inferencing and Real-Time Inferencing. In Real-Time...