Category: MSBI

An Introduction to Azure Synapse SQL

Evolution of Azure Synapse SQL Azure Synapse was previously known as Azure SQL Datawarehouse. With the re-branding to Synapse, Microsoft added many more layers on top of...

Automated updation of Power BI Data Source Credentials

They say that Data is the new oil. What they mean is that nowadays, data is currency. Hence, going by the human tendency, there will attempt to steal data (popularly...

Migrating from Azure Data Factory to Azure Synapse Integration

Did you think that it’s straightforward? I mean, did you think you can simply export the ARM template from Azure Data Factory and import it into Azure Synapse?...

Introducing Azure Data Factory Data Flows

They say that life comes full circle i.e. you start and end at the same point. However, in my humble opinion, that is not true. Life is like an unending spiral. You do...

Introduction to SSIS and making it metadata independent

Introducing SSIS In the Microsoft Sql Server Integration services (SSIS), we have a variety of tasks to perform ETL. However, with changing data landscape and newer...

Comparing SSIS Lookup and SQL Joins

Motivating SSIS lookups Denormalization is the stepping stone of data warehouse creation; usually performed to extract the surrogate key of a dimension to a fact table....